Monday, March 17, 2008

Colombia - final thoughts

I'm way behind on blogging but I'll pick up where I left while keeping it brief.

Ruitoque in Colombia is a great place to practice thermals, kiting, and top-loading. I specifically went there to check out its acro potential. While the site where Richi has his hostel is great, and you'll almost always fly every day, don't expect to go XC often and get high to practice heavy acro. There were only a few times where I got high enough to really throw down - the refills are few and the only time to get altitude with an acro glider is when it's nuking and rough. Not a great combo that we acro pilots like.

So, if you're looking for a PG vacation where flying's a daily occurrence but you don't need to go XC or practice acro (and don't mind paying a lot), then Richi's got the place. But, anything more than that, and you'll be disappointed. It was great hanging out with Richi - his positive energy is infectious! - but I doubt I'll be going back just for the flying.

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