Sunday, July 20, 2008

Paranoia Acrobatixx

I'm back in Interlaken after 5 days in Zell am See and the first time I've had internet since leaving a week ago.

The comp was a great experience despite having done completely shitty in it. I don't even know where I placed but I'm sure it's at the bottom. Really f*cking disappointing but I learned a lot AGAIN about competing.

Atypical for an APWC comp was the fact that we got to announce our program for all 4 runs. Here's what I announced and how I did:

Run 1: helico, helico/helico, helico/SAT
I actually nailed all 3 which was very surprising since it was only the 2nd flight after my accident; in fact, the helico-helico was my first try after I crashed trying it the week before. So, on all levels - physical, psychological, emotional - I did a great run but missed the platform. Good enough for 15th overall out of 35 pilots.

But here's when the wheels come off . . . .

Run 2: same program
I get the helico but miss the helico/helico, do a lackluster helico/SAT, and miss the raft. I now drop to 21st.

Run 3: same program
Not only did I miss each trick, but I lost so much altitude that I couldn't even do the last trick! In addition, when I got pulled up onto the boat, I felt something pop/tear on or near that left gluteal which felt tight all week. Did I mention I missed the platform completely? Not only did I have a crappy run, but I'm really hurting as well. As I'm dripping wet, I contemplate quitting the comp and going home. I just really hated being in that town at that moment. I've now dropped to 28th.

But after a good night of drinks, watching the premiere of "Champions Take Nothing", and hanging out with the other pilots in the campsite, I decide to finish what I started despite the pain.

Run 4: tumble - helico - helico/SAT
So I give up on the helico/helico and decide to do something easier with the tumble, but I didn't get it vertical and the exit wasn't clean so I got a low score for that. Fortunately, after the pendulum from the tumble exit I went right into the helico and nailed it. So, I looked forward to ending it w/a very difficult trick that I actually do well - helico/SAT - but I screwed it up w/a bad helico that lead to no SAT, so I got low points for that. And, oh yeah . . . . I missed the platform.

As I think about the week, here are the good points:

- I got to compete in an APWC event against almost all of the best acro pilots in the world
- Despite the low overall finish, I still get APWC points which will hopefully improve my ranking
- I made some new friends in the world acro community and my name is now recognized among the judges
- The experience sets me up for the worlds in 2010

Here's what I need to work on:

- Forget about the Rhythmic or Infinite until I can perfect the helico and all the combos. Not only is this the right way to learn, but it cannot hurt me for competitions. (In fact, SAT/helico was a trick in the compulsory round at this year's Vertigo. Currently, I can't do this trick.)

As a side note, there are a lot of younger acro pilots who can do the Infinite, but can't helico. In fact, some can't even do asymm spirals to pass a safety selection flight! This isn't right. If there are any aspiring acro pilots reading this, take my advice: don't learn this way! Believe me - you won't get the respect that you think you'll get from real acro pilots 'cause we'll just say, "Oh that's cool . . . . but can you helico? On both sides? You can't? Then why are you doing the Infinite?"

I used to think that if you wanted to finish top 5 in an APWC event, you had to do the Infinite. But after seeing Horatio Llorens win both Vertigo and Paranoia this year w/no infinite (in comps, he just tumbles and does the helico tricks perfect), I no longer believe this. While you definitely need to do some high-coefficient tricks, they need to be completely clean and as close as possible to what the judges want. Being radical and hard core neither garners respect nor points.

Because of this realization, I've decided to take a road trip with my new Japanese friend ('cause I get to speak nihongo w/her), Seiko, to Organya, Spain for 3 weeks train my ass off for Acroaria in mid-August. This is a legendary training spot of the SAT brothers, and the place where the best acro pilots have trained many times in their career. Called the "Magic Mountain", it's too hot and thermic to fly before 4, but after . . . . it's 4 -5 hours of smooth refills with a working altitude of 1000 meters. Even though it's over ground, this is what acro pilots dream of. In addition, the campsite has a swimming pool and free wifi, all for 5E a day!

Despite my injury, I'm so f*cking excited to go. Not only will I learn from all the great pilots who'll be there, but I know I'll be getting to higher levels in my acro flying.

See ya in Espana!


Harry said...

Glad to hear you're flying again...

It sucks you got wet a few times. At least you're not hurt.

Have fun!

Brandon Newell said...

Cool avatar Nova! Wow, that video and pic at the top is sick man. That's some crazy shit you're doing and looks so much fun. Good luck in all of the contests and see you soon hopefully!
